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Friday 11 April 2014

Keep sharing your success stories!

Millions of candles can be lighted from a single candle and the lifespan of that single candle will never be shortened! Feel free to share your success stories with every loved one out there; it will strengthen them but will never weaken you in any way.

Never lose interest in making other people get enlightened, motivated, inspired and empowered to take up the challenge and get to the top. As a matter of fact, that was the one of missions of Jesus Christ and Apostle Paul could not hold it in secret... He said I can do all things "through Christ who strengthens me".

Yes, Christ can strengthen you too. But when you get hold of that power, that knowledge, that Success story or that experience, keep on sharing it; keep on giving it; keep on empowering other people with it! Never keep it unshared; someone else needs empowerment!

Go, make people know it! 
Billions of dreams die off every year. I believe yours will not be part of that proportion! This book was written purposefully to safeguard the dreams we have about the future everyday and make them become realities. Before a dream can mature and manifest itself as real, a lot of loaded efforts come into play! This book “Shaping the dream” is a major contribution to inspirational literature, that …exposes the action plans to take when you have a dream and want to see it actualized! This book provides you with the knowledge you need to create make you an achiever! In “Shaping the dream”, you will discover 101 thought provoking principles that will guide you to make your dreams become realities with emphasis on attitude building, personal branding and time management among others.
It’s recommended for you! Click here to purchase your copy on Amazon;

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